Is DofE worth it? An honest review from a former participant
I am not here to sell you DofE. I’m not that overzealous teacher telling you that future employers’ mouths will start watering the moment they see “Silver DofE” on a CV — because they don’t. I’m here to answer the question, from one participant to another: is DofE worth it?

What Physicals can you do for DofE? 9 original ideas you didn't know about
There’s a huge range of physical activities to pick from: ones perfect for those who prefer to stay indoors, ones for those who want something more adventurous than competitive, and ones for those who want to work on fitness. Find out what they are in this post.

What Skills can you do for DofE? 8 brilliant ideas you won’t have thought of
Every participant will want to make the most out of their chosen Skill, and feel a sense of accomplishment at getting better at. In this article I go through the top 8 preapproved ideas for a DofE Skills section that you might not have thought of.

When did DofE start and who set it up? A fascinating history of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
The story of DofE, from how it was founded to who was involved in setting it up, is little known, yet fascinating. Read this article to discover the (brief) history of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, from its founding, to where it is today.

DofE for parents: how to save money and help your child succeed
From how much the Award is going to cost you, to knowing what you can do to help them make the most of their experience — there’s a number of things a parent should know before their child embarks on DofE.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award: a guide to DofE outside the UK
You may be interested in taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, but don’t live in the UK. Thanks to the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, this shouldn’t be an issue - as you’ll find out in this article.

What are DofE Cards and DofE discounts? The complete guide to saving money with DofE
From saving money at popular outdoor retailers to reduced prices for car insurance, this article will cover the ins and outs of maximising your savings through DofE.

Use DofE to make your CV and Personal Statement shine
In this article I go through the top 5 transferable skills you learn on DofE, and explain how to leverage these skills to massively elevate you above other candidates for places in education and employment.

DofE Assessor's Reports: what are they, who can be your assessor, and how do you submit evidence?
Working out how evidence works for DofE can be confusing. Find out everything you need to know to feel confident that the evidence you submit will be approved without a hiccup.

Can you fail DofE? 7 things that can get you kicked off
While you may be pleased to know it is not possible to fail DofE as a whole, you can still fail specific sections. In this article I’ll go through seven different reasons that you may have to retake part of your award.

Important DofE resources and downloads, all in one place.
There are lots of .pdf documents you’ll need over the course of your DofE award. I’ve collated and organised all the most important ones in this post, so you can find the documents you need quickly and easily.

How long is DofE? A complete guide to timescales on DofE
In this article I explain how long it takes to complete DofE, as well as the details when it comes to doing DofE without having completed the previous awards.

What counts as a DofE Residential? Can you go with a friend, how long does it last, and what are the other rules?
The Residential section is a key part of Gold DofE. It’s an exciting opportunity to meet new people and broaden your interests away from home.

What volunteering can you do for DofE? 7 simple ideas anyone can sign up for
As a core aspect of DofE, it’s important to you find a volunteering programme you’ll find rewarding and enjoyable. With a wide range of officially approved options, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find the a programme that works for you.